Digital Communications 11

Digital Communications 11 will focus on the use of technology as a means of assisting the student with creating career opportunities and achieving lifelong goals.

Specifically, students in Digital Communications 11 will design a personal website which will be used to prepare and promote themselves as student athletes to college and university recruiters.  The website itself will be an extremely relevant tool to assist student athletes in communications with colleges and universities.  The website will house important documents, videos and resources which are aimed at the student’s goal of combining their academic and athletic careers at the highest level.

Students in the course will research and utilize current marketing research to develop a website which gives them a competitive advantage over other student athletes.  By applying fundamental concepts of website design, students will be able present themselves in an interesting and professional manner.


  • First Assignment: 10%
  • Building a Website: 20%
  • Mandatory Course Assignments: 60% (10% for 6 assignments)
  • Choice Course Assignments: 10% (5% each for 2 assignments)

There are many important learning outcomes for Digital Communications 11.  I have included a few below but there are many more here:

  • use appropriate technologies in a variety of applied contexts
  • identify and evaluate the impact of technology on the way information is gathered, problems are solved and work is done
  • identify and apply appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes when making choices and defending decisions
  • use appropriate criteria and standards to assess and evaluate products, services, systems and ideas
  • use appropriate multimedia and information technology in presentations