Work Experience 12A and 12B
SD#71 and full-time NIDES students only
Students, physically residing in School District #71, or who are enrolled full-time through Navigate can plan and complete their required Work Experience via this course.
Contact the Work Experience Office in your school for more information on registration. Full-time Navigate students should email Mr. Hale, at Navigate, for more details about the WorkSafe requirements that you must complete before registration can take place.
Full-time Navigate students will be expected to:
- create a Work Experience Training and Safety Plan
- complete, with their proposed placement site, a review of the Safety Expectations
- complete a Work Experience Placement Agreement (agreeable to NIDES)
- maintain and complete a Work Based Training Log
- undertake a worksite orientation visit
- receive an Interim Employer Evaluation
- complete the required number of Work Experience hours
- receive an Final Employer Evaluation
- complete Work Experience Reflections documents (this includes a Resume and Cover Letter)