A | (86-100%) Excellent or Outstanding Performance in relation to learning outcomes. |
B | (73-85%) Very Good Performance in relation to learning outcomes. |
C+ | (67-72%) Good Performance in relation to learning outcomes. |
C | (60-66%) Satisfactory Performance in relation to learning outcomes. |
C- | (50-59%) Minimally Acceptable Performance in relation to learning outcomes. |
I | No demonstration of minimally acceptance performance in relation to learning outcomes in this reporting period. |
F | No demonstration of minimally acceptance performance in relation to learning outcomes for the course. |
W | Student has withdrawn from the course. |
SG | Standing Granted. Acceptance level of performance though normal requirements not completed. |
TG | Transfer Granted. Standing is granted based on records from an institution other than a school. |
RM | Requirements Met (for use with Graduation Transition only) |
80 Credits over Grades 10, 11 and 12, total of 48
– Language Arts 10 (4 credits)*
– Language Arts 11 (4 credits)*
– Language Arts 12 (4 credits)*
– Social Studies 10 (4 credits)
– Social Studies 11, Civic Studies 11 or B.C. First Nations Studies 12 (4 credits)
– Math 10 (4 credits)*
– Math 11 or 12 (4 credits)*
– Science 10 (4 credits)
– Science 11 or 12 (4 credits)
– Planning 10 (4 credits)
– Physical Education 10 (4 credits)
– Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 (4
*one course from a number of options
Students must also complete:
– Four Graduation Transition assessment credits, and a minimum of 28 elective credits.
– An unlimited number of credits from Board of Independent School Authority, authorized or post-secondary electives may count toward graduation.
– A minimum of 16 credits from either Ministry or Board Authority authorized or post-secondary courses are required at the Grade 12 level.
– Five Graduation Program exams: a Language Arts 10, a Science 10, a Math 10, a Social Studies 11 or 12, and a Language Arts 12.
20 credits in the secondary system or 5 courses in the post-secondary system including the following:
– Language Arts 12 (4 credits)* or
– A provincial or post-secondary level English course
– Math 11 or 12 (4 credits)* or
– An advanced or provincial or post-secondary level Mathematics course
Option 1
– Three 4-credit Grade 12-level Ministry Authorized courses, including External Credential Courses or
– Three additional courses at the provincial or post-secondary level
Option 2
– Social Studies 11 (4 credits)
– BC First Nations Studies 12 (4 credits) or
– Civic Studies 11 (4 credit)
– Two 4-credit Grade 12-level Ministry Authorized courses, including External Credential Courses
*one course from a number of options
Courses and credits can be counted from the BC School System and/or the College ABE Program
Ordering Transcripts
Students that need a transcript can use the Ministry of Education’s website located here.